Pirelli Announce Tyre Range For Opening Four Races

Pirelli have announced their tyre nominations for the opening four races of the new year, as the season-opening Australian Grand Prix looms ever closer. The Italian tyre supplier are hopeful that their new tyre range will increase the amount of pit-stops over a race weekend, and see race strategies become a key part of a teams preparations.

For the first time in Pirelli’s history as a tyre supplier, their super-soft tyre will be used for the season-opening Australian Grand Prix, alongside the medium tyre. Pirelli are hopeful that this particular tyre selection will see a performance gap throughout the weekend, as well varying strategies between the teams. Once again the medium and hard tyres will be used for the Malaysian Grand Prix, with the heat and abrasive surface of the Sepang International Circuit forcing Pirelli to utilize the two hardest tyres of the range.

With high degradation expected for the Chinese Grand Prix around the Shanghai International Circuit, Pirelli have elected for the soft and medium tyre compound. Last season saw tyre wear greatly effect the result throughout the final few laps, with Kimi Raikkonen in particular plummeting through the order. For the fourth round of the season at Bahrain, Pirelli have decided to once again opt for a completely new tyre nomination with the soft and hard tyre compound.

The step in the tyre range for this event has been chosen to ensure speed in qualifying, as well as durability for the race which usually takes place in searing temperatures around the Sakhir circuit. For each race weekend the teams will be offered six sets of the harder compound and five sets of the softer compound, as well as four sets of the Cinturato intermediate and three sets of the Cinturato rain tyres.

Last season Pirelli’s tyres greatly assisted in producing some of the most entertaining races the sport has ever seen, with varying results at each event. Although many believe such unpredictability will not be repeated, Pirelli are hopeful of continuing the excitement which made the 2012 season so unique.

Picture Copyright © Pirelli

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I am an FIA accredited Formula One journalist who worked for Channel 4 F1's coverage between 2016 and 2018 as their social media producer. Former IndyCar editor at Motorsport Monday/Motorsport Week, now freelancing and specialising in PR/social.

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