Tag Archive | thailand

Thai Grand Prix To Be Held In Bangkok As Early As 2014

Once again it has been announced that Thailand is eager to host a Formula 1 race as early as 2014, with a proposed circuit around the streets of Bangkok under floodlights similar to the Singapore Grand Prix. However, the all-important race fee between the proposed race organizers and Bernie Ecclestone has yet to be confirmed.

Plans for Thailand to host a Grand Prix have been floating around the paddock for several years now, however plans for a night race around the streets of Bangkok look set to go ahead as Formula 1 continues its endeavor away from its European roots, to more lucrative Asian markets. After a senior government official and representatives from Red Bull met with Mr. Ecclestone at Singapore, it seems plans for the race have been completed with only the race fee yet to be determined.

“It will be a city race like in Singapore and Monaco.” Explained Kanokphand Chulakasem, governor of the Sports Authority of Thailand (SAT). “It will be a night race like the Singapore Grand Prix.”

Although the race is far from confirmed, with important aspects such as the race fee yet to be agreed, it has come to light that the Thai government will fund 60% of the total cost of the race, whereas the remaining 40% will come from sponsors such as Red Bull and Singha. With 20 races planned for the 2014 season, including new venues at New Jersey in America and Sochi in Russia, the question now is which race will make way for the introduction of Thailand to the F1 calendar?

Naturally, any plans for a Thai Grand Prix cannot proceed without the race fee being decided. Until such time, a race around the streets of Bangkok will forever remain speculation, however it’s unquestionable that Mr. Ecclestone and the proposed race organizers finally seem determined to bring one of the fastest sports in the world to Thailand.

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Thai Grand Prix The Next Asian Event To Join F1?

Thailand looks set to be joining fellow Asian nations’ Singapore, Korea and India in hosting a Formula 1 event in the near future. The proposed venue is a street circuit at Ratchadamnoen Avenue in the capital city of Bangkok, which has been favored over a new and costly permanent circuit at Pattaya.

In 2010, Mark Webber demonstrated his Red Bull RB6 around Ratchadamnoen Avenue. It is the owner of Red Bull – Dietrich Mateschitz – that has fueled the recent speculation of Thailand hosting an F1 race in the future.

“The idea is good. We are in talks.” Said Red Bull owner, Dietrich Mateschitz, “Thailand could host a Formula 1 race in the next two or three years, [Bernie] Ecclestone agrees with the idea. We may sign an agreement soon. I can’t give you details because it is not my responsibility. All I can tell you is that a race could take place here in the next two or three years. I remember that a lot of people watched the show [Webber’s demonstration] and a race here will be successful.”

There has only ever been one Thai driver in the history of Formula 1, in Prince Bira who competed in 19 races throughout the 1950s including the first official FIA Formula 1 race at Silverstone in 1950.

If Thailand did host a race in the future, it would become the 9th Asian Grand Prix on the calendar. With the addition of a second American Grand Prix in 2013 and a Russian Grand Prix in 2014, the Formula 1 calendar is becoming dangerously packed with events. This will undoubtedly mean the loss of further Grands Prix, with the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka and the Belgian Grand Prix at Spa two races which are currently not contracted beyond the 2012 season.

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Iran To Build Motor Sport Circuit, Whilst Imola Set For Return?

It has been recently confirmed that Iran look set to build a Motor Sport circuit just outside Tehran in Parand, however they do admit the track won’t be for Formula 1.

The 5km circuit will be built to a FIA Grade 2 license which will allow them to host races as high as the GP2 Category. The company behind the project, TSI Group, have announced the track will feature parts reminiscent of Spa-Francorchamps and the Nordschleife. This comes after Thailand recently announced interest in hosting an F1 race in the near future, however this track is apparently not being built with F1 in mind…yet.

It has also come to light recently that Imola is now in a position to host another Formula One event, after hosting an event every year from 1981 to 2006. I’m sure a lot of F1 fans are with me in hoping Imola gets reinstated before we see Thailand or Iran hosting an F1 race. Once again I have nothing against new nations hosting F1 races, and I am eagerly awaiting October for the inaugural Indian Grand Prix, but some nations like San Marino and France should never have been left without a race.

As with all things time will tell, and Iran haven’t even announced F1 plans just yet. So I wish them well in building their new track and look forward to seeing it one day host a Formula 2 or WTCC event.

Thailand Next To Host F1 Race?

It has come to light over the last couple of days that Thailand are now looking to be the next nation to secure a Grand Prix, a move which would make it the 9th Asian Grand Prix on the calendar. This now sparks the question of: Which race will make way for Thailand?

It’s common knowledge now that if the European venues can’t fork out huge amounts of money that they are being quickly replaced nowadays by richer Asian nations. And it’s also common knowledge that if a new track is constructed, a certain Hermann Tilke would design it.

The main attraction for Thailand is the money-making the huge surge of tourism will make. Mr. Akapol, President of the Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau (TCEB), is looking at facts studied in relation to the Singapore Grand Prix. Even in Thailand, hotels were fully booked and room rates surged to 50,000 to 60,000 baht a night at premium hotels from 5,000 to 6,000 baht. It’s looking at those stats that makes it clear where the attraction is!

However much I love the country, though, I’m not convinced. This will surely create more unrest for European races such as Spa, Monza and Budapest. We’ve already lost the likes of Magny-Cours and Estoril and what with the Russian Grand Prix entering in 2014, surely having a Thai Grand Prix will push another nation away from F1, and I can’t help feeling that nation will be one we’ll miss more than Magny-Cours. Imagine an F1 Calendar without Spa or Monza? Now I know Spa was absent a few years ago, but that was for refurbishment. I have nothing against Thailand hosting a Grand Prix only if it meant all races currently on the 2012 calendar were kept, but we know that won’t be the case as that’s why Turkey has been dropped next year. It was dropped because with the addition of the American Grand Prix it bumped the calendar to 21 races so therefore Turkey was dropped to make space. And if one race had to be shelved then why not Bahrain or Valencia? There has never been an exciting race at either of these nations. But for some reason Bernie Ecclestone won’t get rid of a Bahrain Grand Prix, and we all know why that is? Money.

Thailand would be a great host for the sport, but if you ask me there is no space for the nation on the calendar at the moment, especially as America and Russia all have races coming up in the next two years. But we’ll see how the FIA and Bernie shape things up. Formula One has heritage and history in Europe that must never be forgotten. If any race is to be added, the add France. That’s where it all began!