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Alexander Rossi Ends GP2 Winter Test Fastest At Barcelona

Alexander Rossi has ended the two-day GP2 winter test at Barcelona’s Circuit de Catalunya fastest, in conditions starkly contrasting to yesterday with rain persistently lashing down during the morning period. This presented the drivers with extremely treacherous track conditions, as Facu Regalia set the pace in the morning.

The morning session began with heavy rain pounding the Circuit de Catalunya, initially preventing anyone from setting a timed lap once proceedings began. Eventually drivers began to brave the elements and leave the confines of the pit lane, before the Lotus GP of Sergio Canamasas set the first timed lap of the day, albeit woefully off of the pace from yesterday.

As the morning session slowly progressed, Jolyon Palmer rose to the top as still the rain persistently fell upon the circuit. Halfway through the session, Nigel Melker went fastest for Racing Engineering, before Argentine team-mate Facu Regalia asserted his authority over proceedings. Rene Binder caused the first red flag delay of the day, as the Venezuela GP Lazarus driver spun at turn five.

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Facu Regalia ended the morning session fastest in treacherous conditions.

The rain cleared for the final hour of the morning session, allowing times to quickly tumble as the track began to dry out. Alexander Rossi rose to the top for Caterham, before further red flag delays from rookie Sergei Sirotkin and Rene Binder hindered proceedings. As the morning session drew to a conclusion, Facu Regalia was fastest ahead of Sergio Canamasas and Alexander Rossi.

Once track action was resumed after the one hour break, Stefano Coletti, Daniel de Jong and Eddie Cheever jr. were the first to return to a less damp Circuit de Catalunya. Sergio Canamasas once again set the early pace, but with the track conditions greatly improving, Pau Varhaug quickly improved ahead of team-mate Jolyon Palmer at iSport International. However, the Norwegian driver joined Frenchman Arthur Pic in the gravel only moments later to bring out another red flag delay.

Once the session was resumed, the sun began to shine down on the Circuit de Catalunya, igniting fresh hope that slick tyres might make an appearance before the end of the days running. As the afternoon session wore on, Nigel Melker and Stefano Coletti momentarily went fastest, before Rene Binder once again brought proceedings to a halt by spinning off at turn seven. Once normality was resumed, Alexander Rossi went fastest ahead of rookie Daniel Abt.

Further red flag delays plagued proceedings as the day drew to a conclusion, with Daniel Juncadella and then Lucas Foresti both running off the track on separate occasions. However, no-one could match the earlier pace set by Alexander Rossi, as the day ended under red flag conditions courtesy of Pau Varhaug who made contact with the barrier at turn four. The GP2 paddock will reconvene for the final post-season winter test in three weeks time at Jerez.

Picture(s) Copyright © Alastair Staley/GP2 Series Media Service