Charles Pic Prepares For A Tough Debut

Marussia’s new rookie for 2012, Charles Pic, has today admitted that his debut in Formula 1 is going to be made all the more tougher due to the strict testing restraints for the winter months.

Charles Pic, who has ‘graduated’ from GP2 to Formula 1, has only been allotted six days’ of testing in the Marussia car before being thrown in at the deep end at the Australian Grand Prix in March. This is due to the fact that the F1 teams have only twelve days of testing before the first race of the season, and Marussia have split the days allotted to them with Timo Glock and Charles Pic receiving equal days behind the wheel of what will then be a new car ready to try and improve in 2012.

Charles Pic said today in a press conference in Paris, “I am not worried about it, but I need to be aware of it. It means I need to set up a timetable to make sure I can learn things in a different way. Six days of testing is a very short period of time, and not quite enough to be ready for Melbourne. So we need to set up a good programme so that the two months in winter can be used for the best.”

Fellow countryman and former F1 winner, Olivier Panis, will be advising the rookie and believes he will be able to offer Pic some valuable advice in preparation for what is shaping up to be a tough debut come the Australian Grand Prix.

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About Andy's GP Blog

I am an FIA accredited Formula One journalist who worked for Channel 4 F1's coverage between 2016 and 2018 as their social media producer. Former IndyCar editor at Motorsport Monday/Motorsport Week, now freelancing and specialising in PR/social.

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