Chandhok To Race In Inaugural Indian Grand Prix?

It has come to light recently that Team Lotus reserve driver, Karun Chandhok, could well be in line for a full race weekend drive for next months inaugural Indian Grand Prix. Team Lotus owner Tony Fernandes has voiced hopes of having the Indian driver race in place of Jarno Trulli next month, this news coming only days after Jarno Trulli signed a new contract for 2012 to stay with Team Lotus.

This news is rather surprising as Jarno Trulli had to give way to Chandhok earlier in the year during the German Grand Prix weekend, so it should be only fair that Kovalainen should make way for Chandhok for the Indian Grand Prix, and even though Fernandes believes Trulli to be the No.2 driver, I strongly disagree as Trulli has had 10 years more F1 experience than that of Kovalainen. Both drivers have won 1 race (Trulli won Monaco 2004, Kovalainen Hungary 2008) however Trulli has had 4 more podiums than him in his longer career.

Karun Chandhok however has had a less successful career in F1 when he was replaced at HRT halfway through last season, however he did secure HRTs highest ever F1 finish in last years 2010 Australian Grand Prix by finishing 14th and then repeating it by finishing 14th again during last years 2010 Monaco Grand Prix. Since then he has only raced for Team Lotus once during the German Grand Prix this year and finished 20th, and has driven on Fridays as a test driver several times, all of which struggling for pace. It’s this reason why I can’t understand Tony Fernandes’s mentality in putting Chandhok in the car for the Indian Grand Prix. Yes the whole aspect of having an Indian driver in your car for the inaugural Indian Grand Prix will be great, but when you have two very experienced drivers racing in your team anyway, surely it would be an own goal giving way for a less experienced driver?

Chandhok didn’t even have a very successful career in GP2 & GP2 Asia before F1, having won only two races in Belgium 2007 and Germany 2008, and as much as I like the guy, he has shown more potential as the next BBC Radio Five Live commentator recently than the next F1 superstar.

I just hope if Chandhok does race he makes it all worthwhile for the team who are looking stronger and stronger every race weekend, and will surely be scoring points sooner rather than later.

Picture Copyright © Team Lotus

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About Andy's GP Blog

I am an FIA accredited Formula One journalist who worked for Channel 4 F1's coverage between 2016 and 2018 as their social media producer. Former IndyCar editor at Motorsport Monday/Motorsport Week, now freelancing and specialising in PR/social.

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